Church Leadership &
Service Teams
The church is led by members of the church and the staff who together set the direction of the church and its programs. Serving on a leadership team is usually a two-year commitment. Teams generally meet once a month. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering, please contact one of the individuals below.
Officers of the church volunteer serve in leadership positions. The moderator serves as head of the Church Council. If you would like to serve in one of these roles, please contact the Moderator.
Moderator: Chip Gabbey
Vice Moderator: Cindy Ritcey-Fox
Treasurer: Ted LaPine
Vice Treasurer: Jerry Dees
Secretary: Bill Lenz
Worship and Music Team
Together with staff, this team assists in planning Sunday services and coordinates the many volunteers who serve on Sundays. Would you like to serve Communion, join an usher team, read scripture, sing in the choir, greet visitors, arrange flowers for the Sanctuary, or run the AV equipment?
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Rick Behm, Melissa Fields
See our Music pages for more information about our music programs.
Fellowship and Congregational Life Team
Together with staff, this team plans and carries out fellowship events for the congregation, coordinates spiritual care programs, and gives input on other ministries for adults. Please contact one of the Co-Councilors below to get involved.
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Kevin Clavers, Mary Willems
See our Adult Ministries pages for more information.
Children’s Ministry Team and Youth Ministry Team
These teams are dedicated to developing a vision for our ministries for children and youth. The teams meet about once a month during the program year to serve as sounding boards for staff, shape curriculum, develop volunteer roles and plan events. If you want to make a difference in the faith journeys of our young members, one of these teams is for you.
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Shari Mitchell, Emma Slowinsky
For other volunteer opportunities in CYF ministries, check out the Adult Volunteer page.
Mission and Service Team
The Mission and Service team works with staff to coordinate the church’s mission programs, projects and trips. The team also plans our annual Service Sunday and Alternative Christmas Market. To work on projects that bring change to our community and the larger world, consider joining this team.
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Nancy Brown-Koeller, Eilene Hoft-March
See our other Mission & Service pages for more opportunities.
Stewardship Team
This team encourages generous giving of time, talent, and treasure on behalf of the congregation, and it organizes and executes the annual stewardship campaign. If you are interested in the financial health of the church, consider joining this team.
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Chip Gabbey, Gale Korth, Andrew Burton
Facilities Team
The Facilities Team oversees the church building and grounds, keeping track of needed maintenance and overseeing improvements. If you are interested in preserving the beauty and functionality of our physical space, this team is for you.
Contact Co-Councilor(s): Jack Vandenborgen

Indigenous People’s Allies Committee (IPAC)
The Indigenous Peoples’ Allies Committee is a broad-based group that has cross-over participation from Congregational Life and Outreach Ministries as well as community members not otherwise a part of congregation.
This group began after a congregational study and discussion of the Doctrine of Discovery and its consequent repudiation by the Wisconsin Conference of the UCC (2020). Members seek to continue to educate themselves and others about the histories and current circumstances of Indigenous peoples and communities in Wisconsin, the Midwest, and North America, seeking to ways to become allies of our Native siblings. The group’s activities have included events such
as a concert by Wade Fernandez, a visit to the Menominee Forestry museum, the Blanket Exercise, attendance at Pow-wows, and participation in Menominee Way Day, hosted by the Sustainable Development Institute of the College of the Menominee Nation. Some of this education has resulted in support of Indigenous-led racial justice initiatives (e.g., MMIWG2S, Racial Justice Conference) or in activism to protect shared resources (e.g., efforts to protect water, land, and species threatened by extraction industries and other large corporations).
The links below contain audio files for Indigenous pronunciations of “Fox River.”
Menominee - The Menominee Clans Story
Contact Committee Chairs: Sandy Gillum
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee looks after the financial health of the church. Its subcommittees include the Gifts, Memorials and Grants (GMG) Committee and the Audit Committee.
GMG reviews grant requests for projects not funded by the church’s operating budget and recommends funding from monies available in memorial funds, special gifts and bequests. Recent examples include new choir robes, office renovations and an upgrade of the church exterior doors.
Contact Committee Chairs:
Church Treasurer: Ted LaPine
Chair: Sue Detienne
Human Resources Committee
The HR Committee serves as a resource for staff in matters relating to employment at the church. If you have experience or interest in human resources, please consider serving on this team.
Contact Committee Chair: Chris Danz
Technology Committee
This committee provides advice and technical expertise to staff and ministry teams about technology in mission and ministry. Do you like computers, servers, networks, web hosting, and more? This team may be a good fit for you.
Contact Committee Chair: Ken Jahnke, Dale Hanson
Office Team
Office volunteers assemble Sunday bulletins on Fridays and do other special projects. If you enjoy office work and have a few hours to volunteer, this team may be for you.
Contact: Trish Brehm