Steering Committee

The Steering Committee brings together the Task Force liaisons, who are the primary point of contact with the four Task Forces, with other First Congregational representatives, to report on activities and handle questions, concerns, and feedback. We meet twice a month to gather, analyze and integrate the information from the Task Forces to make decisions and recommendations. We held four “All Isaiah” meetings, most recently in December. The meetings initially grounded all Task Force members in trends of church membership and building usage and continued so more Task Force members could share information directly, and look for guidance, support and advice from each other. We completed a Discernment Guide for all to use when making decisions about church resources. We keep goals and mission forefront and established timelines for important dates. We also started the Isaiah Corner in the bulletin for communication, continue regular updates to Church Council, and have in-depth discussions with our Co-Pastors and the Director of Operational Ministry.