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Holy Week is Coming: April 2-11, 2023


Dear friends, “Have you not known? Have you not heard?” I am echoing the words of the prophet, Isaiah 40 with these words and am reminding you that we are about to enter and remember one of the holiest weeks in Christian history.

Holy Week begins with the Palm Sunday worship service, April 2nd at 9:30am. Yes, there will be palms! Yes, we will observe our tradition of gathering in the narthex (that long, wide hallway inside the front doors of the church building) instead of coming in and going directly into the sanctuary. (If you would prefer to be seated inside immediately, please feel free to do so.) All are welcome to re-enact Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as we sing “All Glory, Laud and Honor” and wave our palms. We will share the Sacrament of Holy Communion.

Later in the week, on Thursday, April 6th at 7pm, we will gather for the remembrance of Maundy Thursday. It will be a multi-generational service. Families, please bring your children and grandchildren. The’ll be invited to set “the table” and to “remember” the significance of Maundy Thursday. This year, we will: -Remember the “Last Supper” with Holy Communion. -Remember that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples. -Remember that Jesus gave us the mandate to “Love one another.”

On Good Friday, April 7th, at noon, we will join with our brothers and sisters in Christ at Emmanuel United Methodist Church, 740 E. College Ave. Area congregations and clergy that will participate in the service are: Emmanuel United Methodist, First United Methodist , Memorial Presbyterian, Fox Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, First English Lutheran, Our Saviour’s Lutheran, Prince of Peace Lutheran, Trinity Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, and First Congregational UCC. There will be an Ecumenical Choir. All are welcome!

On Sunday, April 9th, we will celebrate Easter with two services of worship at 8:45 AM and 10:30 AM, filled with scripture, message, music and words of praise and thanks to God!! There will be an Easter egg hunt for the children between services.

As we enter the Easter Season, we remember and celebrate the promises of our God that arouse our hope and encourage us to love one another. As “resurrection people,” we lift our voices in glad Alleluias!

Come join your church family and come “home” for Holy Week,


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