PreK-5th Grade
Our Children’s Ministry Program meets Sunday mornings during the 9:30AM worship service. Children are welcomed to a place where they can gather to GROW in faith as they hear God’s story. Lessons will be presented to children that convey God’s love through age-appropriate Bible stories, songs and prayer. Children will also grow in God’s love through activities that connect to everyday life and through a variety of sensory experiences. As children grow physically, so will their opportunities to grow in faith, as lessons presented to upper elementary children include opportunities to learn more of how God is at work in their lives and the world through more challenging activities that continue to focus on God’s unconditional love.
On Sunday, children go to into the narthex with their adults to being the service together. They’re welcome to go up front for the Children’s Message given by one of the pastors. After the children’s message, they walk together, over the bridge, to the Children’s, Youth and Families (CYF) wing. After the whole group gathers for messages, songs and an introduction, children go to different rooms with volunteer teachers. The teachers lead grade-appropriate lessons that follow our curriculum and were prepared by our Director of CYF. When the service is done, adults go to the CYF wing to gather their children.
*One the 3rd Sunday of the month, families are encourage to stay to Chat after Church. This informal gathering in the Art Kitchen helps families get to know one another and creates resources for one another. Please see the weekly bulletin or electronic CYF calendar (link it) to see when our next Chat After Church is!
Registration is open and is ongoing throughout the program year. Church membership is not required to participate in any programming!
Children who are 3 or 4-years old work together each week in our Little Angel’s Room. (Children who are not 3-years-old by September 1st of the current program year attend Childcare until the following program year.) Each Sunday includes crafts, stories and interactive play around the same Bible story that the older children are studying.
Our K-5 program uses a rotational workshop model. Students study a Bible story for several weeks, learning about it in different ways each week through a variety of planned lessons and activities such as art, cooking, science, etc.