Sanctuary Choir
The Sanctuary Choir provides the musical centerpiece for Sunday morning worship during the program year. The choir sings a widely diverse repertoire, including oratorio choruses, traditional anthems, contemporary works, gospel music, sacred jazz, and global music. During the Advent and Lent/Easter seasons, the choir performs major works with orchestra.
The Sanctuary Choir has sung in cathedrals in England, Scotland, and Wales, and most recently performed an auditioned program at the 2016 Wisconsin Choral Directors Association. In 2009 the choir premiered its commissioned anthem, “Pentecost,” by British organist/composer Malcolm Archer. Collaborative projects such as the Ike Sturm Jazz Mass with the Ike Sturm Jazz Ensemble in 2013 and the John Rutter Mass of the Children with the Appleton Boychoir in 2014 broaden the sound and experience of the ensemble.
The Sanctuary Choir welcomes new members, including students in high school, throughout the year.
No audition is required.
Do you need childcare in order to join the choir? Our Church Mice Youth Group is for children ages 4 through grade 6. The evening begins with 30 minutes of homework time and piano practicing followed by craft projects, movies, and games.
Please indicate your interest to John Albrecht by emailing or calling (920) 851-8097.