Representative: Bridget Sorenson
LEAVEN (Limited Emergency Assistance Valley Ecumenical Network) is a volunteer, community-based nonprofit organization that has pursued its mission of care and service since 1987. Individuals and families need support and assistance when they are in a financial crisis to prevent them from slipping into greater poverty, homelessness, and ill health.
LEAVEN helps stabilize and empower these vulnerable households by providing financial assistance, resource coordination, and case management to address their near-term and long-term basic needs. Assistance is provided for housing, utilities, transportation, health insurance, diapers and other basic necessities.
The LEAVEN Community Resource Center provides comprehensive, integrated services under one roof, connecting people to programs and services provided by fourteen partner organization. LEAVEN bridges the gap between hardship and hope, while helping people transition from crisis management to self-sufficiency.
Website: www.leavenfoxcities.org