Project NOAHH
Representative: Sue Ahrens
Project NOAHH’s [Neighbors Offering a Helping Hand- a partnership between community members and Outagamie County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to assist DHHS clients meet their unmet needs] mission is to improve the quality of life for children and families involved with DHHS. Among other things, they build bunk beds and provide mattresses and bedding. This is a positive way to build camaraderie while working together to fulfill our mission to serve others in our own community.
Please take a look at the newest Project NOAHH (Neighbors Offering a Helping Hand) needs list, linked below, for Outagamie County clients. Note that new items are wonderful but are not requested. Gently used items are very welcome.
The Project NOAHH team is no longer able to move items to the families’ houses, so if there is anything that is large that you wish to donate, it must be delivered on your own terms. Thank you for helping families snuggle into their homes with your generous gifts.