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Baptisms & Weddings
Baptisms are generally scheduled on the third Sunday of the month. Please complete the application and email
to or return it to the church office. First Congregational will send you a confirmation email once your application is received.
Applications should be turned in to the First Congregational Church Office 1 month before your scheduled baptism date. If you have missed the 1-month deadline, or have any other questions, please call the church office
at 920-733-7393.
First, please call the First Congregational UCC Church Office at (920) 733-7393 to check whether your wedding date
is available. Then complete the application and email to or return it to the church office. One of the pastors at First Congregational will call you to schedule a first appointment.
Applications should be turned in to the First Congregational Church Office 6 months in advance of your wedding date.
Request and Regulations for Use of Facilities
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